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Jackie Raderstorf

The Books of the Law

2 Timothy 3:16-17

In reference to the scriptures, testament means covenant.

The O (Covenant)T. books tells of the preparation for Christ’s coming. This covenant was sealed at Mt. Sinai in the days when Moses was leading the Israel nation. God delivered the Israelites from slavery in Egypt to Canaan. He promised to bless them as His special people. The Israelites were to worship Him alone as their one and only God. Also, they were to accept His law as their rule of life. (Exodus 29:3-6; 24:3-8)

The N (Covenant)T. books tell of Jesus’ coming and ministry. This new covenant was announced by Jesus to His disciples in the Upper Room. On the night before His death, Jesus took the cup and offered it as the new covenant in His blood. (Luke 27:20; 1 Corinthians 11:25. The full covenant is set out in Hebrews 8:6-13.)

Each Testament of the Bible is divided into Divisions. The first Divisions of the OT is the 5 Books of the Law.

(FYI NOTE: A quirk of mine, in my writings I do NOT capitalize satan or any form of it, unless it starts a sentence. I do not want to give him any honor or glory.)


The description of God’s creation of the world and all things contained therein, including man and woman -- Adam and Eve. The fall of man came when satan entered and sin began. The Lord’s judgment was given to the serpent, the woman, and the man. And it continues today.

The flood over all the earth to destroy evil. Noah built an ark, loaded it with his family and pairs of all animals, to survive the rains of 40 days and nights.

The call of Abraham. Although Sarah, his wife, was barren, God promised Abraham he would have descendants as many as the stars in the heavens. Included in Gensis is the story of Isaac, his son; Jacob, his grandson. (God changed Jacob’s name to Israel.)

Jacob had 12 sons. They were the beginning of the Israel nation. A younger son, Joseph, was sold by his brothers and became a slave in Egypt. The life of Joseph and his family reveals how the Israel nation developed.


The end of Joseph’s story in Genesis, leaves the Israelite people in Egypt. Because their nation was increasing in size, a decree was issued to kill all baby boys at birth. One baby boy survived – Moses.

The Lord used Moses to free the Israelites and lead them to Canaan – the promised land. They refused to enter this new land. Disobedience of God’s instruction holds consequences. So the Israelite’s punishment was to wander in the desert until all of the original freed people were dead.

The Lord established a covenant with the people, commandments, and various laws included. He gave explicit instructions on building the tabernacle and use of each item to be put in it. There are recipes for incense, anointing oil, cleansing of leprosy and mold.


Instructions continue for the Israelites. Remember, the Lord is very explicit and detailed in His directions and instructions. God even calls for certain colors of thread to be used in the embroidery of garments, curtains, etc. Particular offerings and sacrifices are required for repentance of particular sins. Requirements of ordinations, installations, and rules for the priest are laid out. Dos and don’ts for living and conducting of self, and the punishments required. The blessings and consequences of obedience and disobedience.


The Lord is directing Moses for preparation for the Israelite nation to begin their 38 years in the desert. Along with a census of the people, directions are give for each tribe as to their duties and place in line when the tabernacle is being moved or while in camp.

The Levi tribe was set apart to serve as priests for the Israel nation. Their responsibility was caring for and moving the tabernacle and everything in it.

Numbers gives an account of the Israelite life and happenings as they wander in the desert.


Israel has arrived after wandering through the desert as punishment for lack of faith. Moses again covers the commandments, regulations, and some dos and don’ts for the Canaan land.

Moses is not allowed to enter the new land because of disobedience. He was allowed to see it. Israel entered Canaan with a new leader.

These 5 books hold many lessons for us. They may be in the OT and before Jesus’ time and ministry. Matthew 5:17-18 is definite in stating Jesus did not come to abolish the Laws and the Prophets (the entire OT) when He came.

So, I challenge you to read the OT as well as the NT. Some of our laws and instructions of conduct comes from those books. Don’t be afraid to dig in to the word. What you will find will be helpful in understanding some of what the NT is trying to tell.

I love to make challenges to you, especially when it concerns something about my Lord.


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