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  • Erik Lightner

The Holy Spirit is a Person and Not a Ghost?

The Holy Ghost, also referred to as the Holy Spirit, is an important part of the trinitarian nature of God. He is the 3rd person of the Trinity (God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit). As we look at the original languages in which the Bible was written, the Holy Spirit is a he because He is consistently referred to in the masculine pronoun (he) in both the Old Testament and the New Testament. It may come as a surprise that the Holy Spirit is a person and not some kind of mystic force - therefore, it is incorrect to refer to Him as an "it". [Note that having a physical form does not constitute being a person.] There is a significant amount of biblical information that leads to this conclusion, some of which is included below:

The Holy Spirit Possesses and Exhibits the Attributes of a Person

He has intelligence: I Corinthians 2:10 – He knows and searches the things of God

He has a mind: Romans 8:27 – He possesses a mind

He is able to teach people: I Cor 2:13

He possesses feelings: Ephesians 4:30 – He can be grieved by the sinful action of believers (an influence cannot be grieved)

He has a will: I Corinthians 12:11 – He uses this in distributing the gifts to the body of Christ

Since genuine personality possesses intelligence, feelings and will, and since the Spirit has these attributes, He must be a person.

He Exhibits the Actions of a Person

He guides us: John 16:13

He convicts of sin: John 16:8

He performs miracles: Acts 8:39

He intercedes: Rom 8:26

He directs the activities of Christians: - Acts 1:6-11

These are activities that an influence or personification could not do, but that Scripture shows the Holy Spirit can do


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