2 Timothy 3:16-17
These are the final 7 of the Epistles of Paul.
The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Colossians.
Paul wrote this Epistle while he was under house arrest in Rome. His letters are usually divided into a doctrinal and a practical section. The Colossian church, primarily Gentile, was established by Epaphras, a convert of Paul’s, while he ministered 3 years In Ephesus. Colosse was a leading city in Asia Minor in the early days. It was located on the E-W Trade route, with an established church and lots of people traffic. An important town of the N.T. and later a small market town.
Paul’s purpose of writing to them was because of being infiltrated by false teachings pretending to add to and to improving the gospel. This heresy was a mix of Jewish observances and pagan rituals, Paul called them“basic principles of the world”.
The theme of Colossians is : The Majesty of Christ! He is sufficient for every need.
The First Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Thessalonians.
The Apostle Paul was author of this Epistle. His method and style of writing is mostly the same in all of his writings. The greeting includes Silas and Timothy ‘s names along with Paul’s.
During Paul’s 2nd Missionary journey, he founded the Thessalonian church in Thessalonica. Located in Macedonia at the junction of the Egyptian Way and the North bound road to the Danube, it was an important communication and trade center. The church consisted of Gentiles and a few Jewish converts. After serving them a number of months, some community Jews gathered some troublemakers and brought treasonable charges against Paul that were punishable by death. So he left.
Paul had deep concern for the Thessalonian churches as a pastor. He sent his thoughts to them as a reminder of his teachings: >encouraging the new converts; >to give instruction for a godly living; >not to neglect daily work; >to give assurance to believers about those who die before Christ’s return.
The letter contains mostly information of the end times, also known as eschatology.
The Second Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Thessalonians.
Paul wrote this Epistle about 6 months after the First one. The opening and greeting, including the names of Silas and Timothy, are alike. The 2 letters are similar.
His purpose was: >to encourage persecuted believers; >to exhort them to be steadfast and work for a living; >to correct a misunderstanding of the Lord’s return; >dealing mostly with eschatology.
Chapter 3 verse 10, concerning idleness: “If a man will not work, he shall not eat”.
THE PASTORAL EPISTLES are 3 Pastoral Epistles sent to Timothy (2) and Titus (1) by Paul the Apostle. They are 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus. These Epistles or Letters, carried instructions to Timothy and Titus, concerning pastoral care of churches. Instructions for dealing with matters regarding pastors and congregations.
Themes and phrases throughout the Epistles are: >God the Savior; >Sound doctrine, faith, teaching; >Godliness; >Controversies; >Trustworthy.
The First Epistle of Paul the Apostle to Timothy.
Apostle Paul is writing to Timothy who he calls his ‘true son in the faith’. Timothy, probably converted by Paul, accompanied him on several missionary journeys. He was a close companion and stayed with Paul during his imprisonments. Timothy was from Lystra, the son of a Gentile father. His mother, Eunice, and grandmother, Lois, were Jewish Christians. He was sensitive, loyal, and faithful.
In this Epistle, Paul had assigned Timothy to the church at Ephesus, and he was sending some reminders and instructions to him. Instructions on guarding the spiritual heritage and establishing sound doctrine. Warnings to be alert for false doctrines and false teachers. Guidance in overseeing church practices on prayer, public worship, qualifications of bishops, deacons and church leaders And to fight the good fight of faith.
The Second Epistle of Paul the Apostle to Timothy.
This Epistle of Paul’s to Timothy is being written from his prison cell, where he is chained and failing in health. Paul urges Timothy to guard his spiritual heritage. To be strong in adversity, Nero was persecuting the churches. Warnings of infiltrating evils such as false teachings, apostasy, idle gossip and others. Giving instructions to confront these malignant growths with good works and sound doctrine. Sound doctrine is important to the health of the church, and the need to prepare to suffer for it, if must. He encourages Timothy to keep pressing on in fulfilling his pastoral calling.
Paul urges Timothy to come to him. He is lonely and ill.
The Epistle of Paul to Titus.
This Epistle was written by Paul, after his release from his first imprisonment, to Titus. Titus, too, was a convert of Paul’s. As a co-worker and helper, he traveled with Paul and joined him on missionary journeys. Paul described Titus as dependable, reliable, diligent, and a people person. He had brought calm and organization to several troubled churches, by teaching sound doctrine and good works. Paul commissioned Titus to the church in Crete, to organize the new converts. This Epistle contains warnings and instructions for Titus. Warnings of false teachings and petty arguments. To teach and instruct sound doctrines and good deeds, and provide guidance for young converts. Paul gave qualifications for church elders, bishops and leaders, also the characteristic of Jesus for qualities of a good life.
***This is the 3rd of the 3 Pastoral Epistles.***
The Epistle of Paul to Philemon.
The Epistle to Philemon has 1 chapter and 25 verses. It is the shortest and most personal of Paul’s Epistles. It was written during one of Paul’s imprisonments. It is addressed to Philemon and the church meeting in his house.
Philemon was a convert of Paul’s. He was a wealthy Christian living in Colosse and an owner of slaves. A slave named Onesimus had stolen something and ran away. Onesimus met Paul and was converted. As a Christian, he was willing to return to Philemon. Paul’s letter was to persuade Philemon to receive Onesimus as a fellow Christian brother.
This is a reminder that the presence of Christ drastically changes every relationship in life.